Frequently asked questions

You can make a booking by going to or by clicking on the following link:

You can login or sign up by clicking on the ‘Login/Sign Up’ button.

You can create an account by filling out the following sections:

  • About You
  • Address & Password
  • Accept Terms and Conditions
  • Click on ‘Create Account’

You can answer the questions by dropping down the drop-down box, by clicking on the relevant face indicator or by selecting the correct answer box.

Whichever is relevant to the questions. 

You can select your practitioner by scrolling down to see all the practitioners that have been matched to you.

On the right hand side of the page is where you will find the available times.

You can click on the ‘More Options’ button to see other available times.

You can choose the available time by clicking on the time you require, which will bring up a summary of the appointment.

Click on the ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’ and click on ‘Confirm’.

The Dashboard is your home page.

You can navigate the booking portal from here.

Your appointment history allows you how to view your upcoming appointments and previous appointments.

You can view your practitioner here by clicking on their name. 

You can also access your video meeting link from this page.

The ‘# Reference’ field pertains to your unique appointment number for your appointment.

Your User Profile is all the personal information you have entered into the booking portal.  Click on this if you want to change your personal details.

Account Details – Click on the arrow to edit personal details. Once you have made the changes make sure you click on ‘Save Changes’.

Account Security – Click on the arrow to change your password. You will need to enter your current password, new password and confirm new password.  Click on ‘Reset Password’.

The ‘Articles’ and ‘Videos’ tabs will allow you to access our library to read articles and watch videos pertaining to various different topics relating to your health.

You can access your matched practitioners by clicking on the ‘View Booking’ or ‘View Practitioner’ button.

When you see the profile of your matched practitioner click on ‘Change Practitioner’.

Complete the form to make the change.

A member from the Connect Psych Management team will contact you.

You can click on ‘Get Help’ located on the top right hand corner of the booking portal at any time.

More questions?

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