Disability and Employment Services

Asia-Pacific’s premier health tech eco-system; more than just delivering mental health services.

Job stress, fatigue, burnout, and mental health issues are not new to the disability workforce.

EAP for Disability workers

Disability support work is complex and requires a workforce with the skills and expertise to deliver safe, quality supports.

However, under NDIS price setting, time and resources for regular training of the workforce are under pressure. As a result, workers often receive limited to no training  and there are limited opportunities for career advancement.

Job stress, fatigue, burnout, and mental health issues are not new to the disability workforce. Time and resource pressures are a major contributor and limit the ability of the workforce to deliver safe, quality supports to people with disability. Some sources point to casualisation of support work adding to job stress as it tends to result in unpredictable schedules and income for workers.

At Connect Psych we understand the challenges of the disability support workforce as we work with multiple organisations in this space.

"The COVID-19 pandemic created enormous challenges for the disability sector. The disability workforce faced many of these challenges on top of the ones it was already experiencing."

How Connect Psych can help?

By generalising problems into digestible, anonymised data you can address the issues for a stronger more productive workplace that leads to better results.

Our EAP system not only uncovers the problems employees face, by offering safe and secure access to the help they need, but we report on it in a way that is private so as an employer, you can take positive steps without identifying any individuals.

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