Your partner in increasing employee performance and workplace productivity.

Asia-Pacific’s premier health tech eco-system; more than just delivering mental health services.

Middle managers have expressed significant stress at the competing priorities of keeping everyone safe, meeting expectations and departmental directives.

Chances are, you, a colleague or someone you manage is dealing with a mental health challenge. Whether it stems from personal or work-related factors, poor mental health can’t be compartmentalised to “home” or “work” and put aside.

Common contributors to work-related mental health concerns can be unreasonable job demands, bullying, feeling you don’t have a voice or control over your situation, long hours in the office and dealing with a difficult co-worker. All of these issues can be addressed confidentially and expertly with a Connect Psych practitioner.

Our e-counselling service means you can book online anytime and see one of our practitioners within 24-48 hours via phone, chat or video. Appointments range from 7am to 11pm, seven days a week. Even from home outside work.

Up to 45% of mental health problems experienced
by employed people are due to workplace conditions.”…the costs of workplace-related mental illness and injury are enormous: our
estimate suggests at least $15.8 billion to $17.4 billion per year in
costs arising from workplace-associated mental ill health.”

Investing in Better Mental Health in Australian Workplaces, 2021

How Connect Psych can help

By generalising problems into digestible, anonymised data you can address the issues for a stronger more productive workplace that leads to better results.

Our EAP system not only uncovers the problems employees face, by offering safe and secure access to the help they need, but we report on it in a way that is private so as an employer, you can take positive steps without identifying any individuals.

  • Employer access to real-time anonymised data and reports to help understand your workforce and their environment
  • Private and secure access to our system portal for employees to manage and receive help for their mental health needs
  • Private and secure risk-free system to help organisations manage the cost of their EAP services without compromising employee health
  • Employee access to fully qualified psychologists and EAP counselling services anytime, from anywhere
  • Employee access to up-to-date educational and support material
  • Unmatched proprietary EAP system software
  • We also offer critical incident response, wellness programs, leadership and team coaching, plus ancillary counselling by experts in financial planning, nutrition, family law and job placement through Connect Plus.

Find out how we can help your business