Almost 45% of Australians will experience a mental health issue at some point in their life with 1 in 5 people struggling with challenges affecting their psychological well-being (The National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing).

Workplaces have a clear role to play in the management and understanding of mental health concerns. Promoting mental health and wellbeing is not at the expense of the overall workplace; with research continually exhibiting that wellbeing is positively related to work performance. As a community, it’s our collective responsibility to reach out and support those in the community who suffer in silence. The aim is to encourage everyone to make a promise to “Look after your mental health, Australia.”

Connect Psych values talking with people rather than at them. Our ‘lets chat’s’ are created to provide participants with an opportunity to openly, and honestly discuss current challenges with other members of the team. The essence of creating a non-judgemental space for people to feel validated and normalised opens growth mindset, emotional intelligence, and behaviour change.

A well-designed workplace supports individual mental health, leading to reduced absenteeism, increased employee engagement and improved productivity. Workplace wellness is multifaceted and each workplace will have different risk and protective factors for mental health.

That’s why we don’t provide ‘off the shelf’ psycho-education packages to your teams. Our awareness training comes in all shapes and sizes to suit the needs of the teams and optimise awareness, emotional intelligence, team cohesion and interpersonal relationships. Psycho-education sessions can be provided virtually or face-to-face.

Get in touch today