Transport & Logistics

Asia-Pacific’s premier health tech eco-system; more than just delivering mental health services.

Support is available if you're on the road or finishing a late shift.

EAP for Transport & Logistics workers

There are several factors that can lead to the poor mental health of transport and logistics workers including long hours/shifts, work pressure, job insecurity, workplace conflict, traumatic events, workplace bullying and violence (Ref. Transport Industry — Steering Healthy Minds).

The good news is – there is expert mental health support available for organisations and their workers who work shift hours and/or are on the road away from home.

At Connect Psych, we are Australian owned and run solely by our team of registered and experienced mental health practitioners. Plus, we work with some of Australia’s most iconic organisations.

Our e-counselling service means your employees can book online anytime and see a practitioner within 24-48 hours via phone, chat or video. Appointments range from 7am to 11pm, seven days a week. No need to take time off work to travel or idle in a clinical waiting room.

"Whilst the majority of workers compensation claims are physical injuries, mental health for transport workers has been identified as a significant concern...8% of serious claims were related to mental stress."

How Connect Psych can help?

By generalising problems into digestible, anonymised data you can address the issues for a stronger more productive workplace that leads to better results.

Our EAP system not only uncovers the problems employees face, by offering safe and secure access to the help they need, but we report on it in a way that is private so as an employer, you can take positive steps without identifying any individuals.

Request a demo today!

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