Unlocking Happiness: The Mental Health Benefits of Smiling on World Smile Day

Smile blog

October 6th marks a day dedicated to something so simple yet incredibly powerful – smiling! World Smile Day is a reminder that sometimes the smallest gestures can have the most significant impact, especially when it comes to our mental health. As workplace leaders and employees alike, we should take this opportunity to understand the profound … Read more

Embracing Gratitude: Elevating Lives and Fostering Positivity


By Connect Psych Services, authored by Mikayla Linehan In today’s fast-paced world, stress and negativity often dominate our thoughts, impacting our overall well-being. At Connect Psych Services, we recognise that finding ways to counterbalance these forces becomes essential for our well-being. Gratitude is one of these transformative tools that allow us to counterbalance these forces, … Read more

The Winter Wellness Boost: The Magic of Dinner Parties for Mental Health and Gut-Brain Axis Harmony

winter wellness

As winter wraps its chilly embrace around us, the days grow shorter and darker. The waning sunlight can take a toll on our mental well-being, leaving many feeling a bit gloomy and less energized. However, there’s a secret to boosting your mood and keeping the winter blues at bay: getting creative in the kitchen and … Read more

The Importance of Friendships and Close Connections for our Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being


By Dijana Barich, Clinically Registered Counsellor at Connect Psych “Every heart sings a song, incomplete until another heart whispers back” – PLATO Just as our bodies require physical nutrients for healthy growth, the human brain demands positive environmental stimuli at all stages of development while also needing to be protected from any negative forms of influences. … Read more

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